Welcome to our CHAOS! We do LOUD REALLY WELL (except Dad!) & make CRAZY LOOK GOOD!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Who knew Kansas could be this fun?

So, since everyone was together, we truly had a blast---amidst the tears and worries. But I think one of the things that our family does best is pull together with lots of love and comic relief. Mom appreciated that (except for the times we made her laugh so hard that her stitches hurt!) and said she wouldn't have it any other way (really...a house full of LOTS of family when you're trying to recuperate! :)
Anyway...here are a lot of FUN photos of our time there.  Dad got a riding lawn mower and Sadie & Liam were in HEAVEN because they got to DRIVE! AUGHHH!  The little boys had so much fun chasing after it That's Briggs, Charlie & Daxton (Ben & Kara's Twins) and then the photo with Chuck in it also has Harper, their darling little girl.  Lydia loved playing with her (and stealing her cup, and tormenting her:) and yesterday she was going through the house looking in every room saying, "Harper....Harper????" It was so cute! 
There's also a cute picture of all of them in the tub. Mom's tub will never be the same!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Love the picture of all the kiddos in the tub! I have a slightly more embarrasing one of myself and my brothers when we were little.