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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Yep…we framed a house!

If you know me, you know that I can change a light bulb and that’s about it! So, when our women’s group at church (it’s called the Relief Society) announced that we’d be helping with a Habitat for Humanity house build, I was supportive  but honestly---REALLY NERVOUS!  But being in the Relief Society Presidency, I was kind of expected to be there. Then we found out we’d be doing exterior painting and I settled down---“I can do that”, I thought.  But no….other plans were in place because it rained like crazy the day before and it was too wet to paint.  So, ya….we framed a house!  If you would have EVER told me that I’d be helping frame a house, with 20 other friends from my church, I seriously would have LAUGHED OUT LOUD! Smile  But WE DID IT!  Obviously, we  had a lot of direction from experienced home builders but we did it.  It was a great experience, had fun working with my friends and loved meeting the home owner---so glad to be a part of it. What a wonderful organization! I would recommend that EVERYONE volunteer and help their group…can’t wait to do it again!

p.s. and yes those are the Mormon Helping Hands bright, yellow tshirts.  Not so flattering but we wore them proudly!

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