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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bye Elder Robb :(


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I’m sure you’re familiar with the “Mormon Missionaries” who spend 2 years of their lives sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ around the world.  These are the Elders in our area right now…Elder Robb, Elder Westwood and Elder Osmond.  They are GREAT!  Briggs turns 8 in October and in our church we are baptized when you turn 8. Why? Well, at 8, you’re old enough to know the difference between right and wrong, old enough to make your own decisions yet young enough to be guided by those decisions before outside influences take over---ie peer pressure, media etc… So, a few months ago we were talking to Briggs about being baptized and he said, “I’m not sure if I want do be baptized.” It caught us a little bit off guard but is a legitimate question.  We’re big on the “free agency” thing in our house so we decided to have the missionaries come and teach him, just like they would anyone else who is wanting to know about our church and the basics of the gospel. Or even if you’re just curious about what those guys in white shirts and ties do, or what those crazy Mormons REALLY believe. Smile(yep…I’m one of those crazy Mormons!) Basically, we want Briggs to make the decision whether or not to be baptized.  The thing that I’ve found impressive is that there is NO pressure in these lessons.  They are simple, on his level, but they always come back to telling Briggs that he has to pray about it, study it out and get his own answer, through the Holy Spirit, that being baptized is the right thing.  It’s been a really neat experience for him and for our older kids too. 

Chuck and I obviously are very firm in our faith and in our testimonies of the Savior.  It is the greatest gift that we have---it brings peace, comfort, shelter from trials, direction, hope and joy.  We want our children to have that in their lives too and we try to have a home where those things can be taught and where they can develop their own testimony of and relationship with Jesus Christ. This has been a great experience because they are seeing that they get to decide for themselves and that as long as they put in the efforts of study and prayer, those answers will come. 

It was really neat when Briggs came in from school the other day and had his Book of Mormon in his backpack…he’s been reading it on the bus.  (we have those cool children’s readers of the Book of Mormon & Bible that are on the kids level---I highly recommend them) He’s taking this really seriously…he even said tonight that he’s still deciding about baptism and that’s ok by me.  I want him to know for himself. 

Ok, so that turned into a NOVEL---sorry, didn’t mean for it to be so long, but it IS my blog so I guess that’s ok, right? Smile  So, my main point (which was OVERTAKEN by my other point…) is that Elder Robb is being transferred to another area….Anadarko….and we’re really going to miss him.  You’d think that these 19-21 year old guys would be a bunch of goof balls, right? Not so…they take their missions very seriously (not that they don’t have fun because they do!  What you don’t see in this picture is Elders Westwood and Robb downing the top scoop of their ice cream cone in one swallow---just after the picture was taken)---it’s  a choice, one they PAY for---that’s right, they are NOT paid to go on missions---they pay their own expenses. That’s how convicted they are and God blesses them with a great spirit to teach His gospel.  They are wonderful!  So, having been a missionary myself, and looking at my own children who will hopefully go on missions too, if they come to your door, can I make a heartfelt request?  Let them in---they are good people who bring a special spirit with them. Be polite---you don’t have to agree, in fact you may have to “agree to disagree” but that’s ok. I think you’ll find that you have more in common with them than you might think….Offer them a drink of water---they work long hours, rain or shine. Your kindness will be much appreciated.  Share your beliefs. Let them share ours.  Thanks…for letting me share. Smile

1 comment:

The Bunker Family said...

Perfectly said! And great idea to have Briggs take the lessons and decide for himself. I feel like there has been a great emphasis from our leaders to not only have a testimony, but be truly converted in our testimony of the gospel. You guys are awesome and great examples!