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Sunday, January 29, 2012

A few thoughts on Adversity...

It has been an interesting couple of months for Chuck...honestly, it's been the most difficult year of his life. That's a loaded statement and I don't want anyone to worry or stress...he's great, we're great...everything truly is great. We have been very blessed by the Lord and learned some valuable life lessons. So...why am I bringing this up on this very public forum that we call "the blog"? Well...as I sat in Church today learning about people who "hold fast" to the iron rod (meaning the word of God), I couldn't help but think of my Chuck. Even amidst the difficulties of the past few months, he has never wavered in the Lord....he has strengthened his relationship with Him and has literally been led day by day by the promptings of the spirit. A lesser man would have literally cracked under the pressure. I came across this quote tonight and I thought I'd share it......

"Each of us will face trials and tests, and . . . it is how we react to those difficulties that will determine our success and happiness. Each of us will face adversity no matter where we are. We are taught in the scriptures that there 'must needs be . . . an opposition in all things' (2 Nephi 2:11). We will each face times of difficulty, and the question is not when we will face them
but HOW we will face them."

Well, let me tell you how Chuck has faced them....with strength, determination, HUMILITY, meekness, spirituality, professionalism, integrity and faith. And all I can say is WOW...and that I feel like the luckiest girl on earth because I get to call you mine. Love you, Babe!

p.s. Thanks to special people in our life who have helped with advice, love and prayers...Mom & Dad S, Mom A, LaDawn & the Applegates. You sure make life easier and much more wonderful!!!

1 comment:

Regs said...

I've always felt so blessed to know you both and to have experienced you guys on professional, spiritual and personal levels. Thank you for your wonderful example and friendship!