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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Briggs is Superman! :)

Our neighbor Cindi was out watering her lawn a few weeks ago and Briggs walked up to her and had the following conversation:


BRIGGS--"I'm Superman." (matter-a-factly & dead serious!)


CINDI---"Really? Cool! I love Superman!"


BRIGGS---"Yeah….(dejected looking)"


CINDI---"Did you save the world today?"


BRIGGS---"NO…(more dejection….)"




BRIGGS---"There's nothing to save….Do you need me to save you? Do you have anything to save?"


There's never a dull moment with Briggs around...so cute and so funny! Poor Cindi...she's been trying to rack her brain to find something that he can save! :)


The Bunker Family said...

How cute! He is so imaginative! Hopefully he keeps that mentality for a long time. I

The Metge Family said...

Go superman!

Celeste said...

What a superkid!! We just LOVE him!!