Well, we've had our 1st E R visit (not bad for 4 kids and 11 years later!) on Wednesday and oddly enough, it was for Lydia. I seriously would have thought the first would have been Briggs! :) Anyway, she was at the park with our babysitter (who is wonderful, amazing, trustworthy and THE best---so don't feel bad, Christina!) and they were going down the slide together. Lydia moved her leg and it got twisted up under Christina's leg. They came home because Lydia was so upset and I just cuddled her for awhile. After a few minutes I tried to put her down and she crumbled to the floor---RED FLAG! I tracked Chuck down at work and he came home and we went straight to the ER. 4 Hours later (yuck!) they had her in a splint and the Radiologist called back the next day to say that we needed to see a pediatric orthopedic doctor. We see him on Tuesday and they'll decide then if it needs to be in a cast. They said it's a spiral fracture in the right tibia (I have NO idea if I'm spelling all of this correctly!). Needless to say, she's in a lot of pain and HATES not being able to climb, walk, run etc... Bless her little heart....I feel so bad for her! We'll keep you posted.
Stationery card
13 years ago
Oh, poor baby! Poor YOU!
Ouch! Poor Baby! It is so sad for a Mom to see her babies in pain. Hope she heals quickly.
Poor Lydia! : (
Poor girl! I hope she feels better soon! Man you've had a busy week!!!!!
Poor girl and mom/dad, mostly mom! This must be driving you BOTH crazy. I'm so glad you took her in right away. Good luck on TUES.
Oh how sad:( Poor thing. I'm glad it wasn't more serious. Hoefully she'll get better soon.
OH no!! It must have happened after I left?!!! My niece had a spiral fracture at 1 1/2 and they had her in a body cast! I hope not for our sweet baby!
I can't believe that's your first ER visit ever! I must have taken your share with Chantz! I didn't realize how big the splint would be. Poor Lydia :(
Oh poor Lydia. Poor maria. and family.... I feel your pain. I hope all goes well for her leg. Her tibia. I can totally relate. I was in a cast at that age too....for tibia problems. I hope all goes well for her. Dawna :o)
Poor baby!! How hard for her not to be able to walk around. I hope that she is feeling better!
It was so fun to catch up on your previous posts. You family is so cute. Liam DOES look very smart and handsome in his glasses. Sadie is so grown up! I can't believe it. I was thinking about her the other day about when she was in Sunbeams. Crazy. She is just a doll. You look fab in your pictures. So fun!
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