Welcome to our CHAOS! We do LOUD REALLY WELL (except Dad!) & make CRAZY LOOK GOOD!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feelin’ the LUV!

We love Valentine’s Day at our house….we love to love! Smile
Our day started with heart-shaped german pancakes in bed…Briggs and Chuck were the only ones who got them in bed though because everyone else got up before it was done!  Then we had valentine parties as school…Lydia and Briggs had a blast!  That night was our annual romantic dinner….as a family!  We started this years ago because we felt bad leaving the kids AND we hated waiting forever at restaurants.  So…we do our own dinner---candles, music…the works.  This year was Liam’s turn to be my helper so he chose PIZZA!  (of course) We finished the night off with a chocolate fountain which everyone loved…yum!
I put the picture of Lydia with her “pretzel cabin” because she said the funniest thing.  Briggs told her that was Abraham Lincoln’s cabin and she said,
“ya…I think it is…is he the one who was shot at the movie theater?”
“yes..they were watching a play”
“can you believe they shot him because he didn’t like long sleeves?!?!?”
I took me forever to figure out what she meant….but then I realized she meant “slaves” not “sleeves”.  Is that hilarious, or what?!
Happy Valentine’s to all!

p.s. Just had to put a picture of our house with snow...it's my FAVORITE way to see our
home...I wish we had it more often but we'll take what we can get!!!

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