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Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Cookies

I am not sure where I got this recipe…probably from one of my awesome sisters or sisters-in-law, but this was a GREAT Easter treat…but even more, a perfect visual for the kids. Each of the ingredients and steps of the recipe represent a part of the Easter Story and also come with the corresponding scripture from the Bible….for example:

pecans---that you beat to represent how He was beaten by the Roman soldiers (John 19:1-3)

Egg Whites—represent life…Jesus gave his life. You beat them and they become white, representing purity and that we can be cleansed of our sins by Jesus

Salt---salty tears shed by His disciples

Vinegar—the Savior was given vinegar to drink

Sugar---sweet part of the story is that He died for us and He loves us

Now here’s the cool part….you warm the oven to 300 degrees, put the cookies in the oven and TURN IT OFF.  Then you “tape” the oven to signify that the “tomb” was sealed.  In the morning, everyone gets a cookie and when they bite into it, they find that they are hollow!!!  Just like on Easter Morn, Christ’s followers were amazed to find the tomb empty!!! HE HAS RISEN!!!

I didn’t include all the scriptures, but if you want a copy of it, let me know….I want to finish this beautiful Easter Day with sharing this video of the Savior. How I love Him and his suffering, atonement and resurrection...that we can be with HIM again and our families forever!







Celeste said...

Your family pic is the coolest! Love it!

So we did that Easter cookie recipe a long time ago, and although it was a fun process & great learning tool, they didn't like the final product...maybe they would now that they're older. Let me know what your kids thought of the taste!

The Bunker Family said...

I would love the recipe and scriptures! I looked for it before Easter and couldn't find it. So please share!