Welcome to our CHAOS! We do LOUD REALLY WELL (except Dad!) & make CRAZY LOOK GOOD!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Briggs lost his first tooth!



We’ve been watching Briggs loose tooth for about a week now….waiting for his first tooth to fall out and FINALLY it did!  Although, we’re not sure when or where.  Grandma Kathie and Grandpa Don surprised us for a nice visit (Don was working in Dallas so Kathie flew out to meet him for the weekend and then they drove up here. So fun to see them!)  and while we were sitting around talking we noticed that his tooth was gone!  Luckily, the Tooth Fairy understood because Sadie helped him write a note explaining the situation.  He still got his money for leaving it under his pillow and he can officially join the “big kids” now!!! What a cutie!

1 comment:

Douglas, Anita, Gracie, & Marley said...

How exciting! I love the posts about all your kids and now I'm just waiting for the post about Lydia's haircut:) Love you guys,