Welcome to our CHAOS! We do LOUD REALLY WELL (except Dad!) & make CRAZY LOOK GOOD!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Briggs and Lydia are such good friends and they are constantly hugging each other...I love it!  When one of them gets hurt, the other is immediately at their side hugging, loving and consoling them. They love each other so much!  Here's a picture of all of us hugging....feel the love!  (now if I could only remember this when Lydia is standing on the table throwing things off for the 4th time in a day, and when Briggs has an "accident" because he can't seem to take the time to go to the bathroom.....the list goes on....ahhhh, patience! I'm working on it ! :)


Easter Egg hunts are just so much fun with little kids. Lydia was especially excited about her "finds!"  She was having so much fun that she started putting the eggs back so she could collect them again. It was so cute!  Then, when she dropped one of the eggs and it broke open, she was SO excited that there was candy inside! She promptly sat down and started eating, completely forgetting about finding any other eggs. It was adorable! Briggs loved finding the eggs in hard places, Liam tried to get as many eggs as possible and then Sadie played the mediator making sure that everyone had a fair share. It was fun! (funny, actually!)  We always do our egg hunt on Saturday and then focus on the Savior on Sunday. Church was especially beautiful...the spirit so strong. It makes me so grateful for the miracle of Jesus Christ's life, death & ressurection---but even more grateful for the miracle it can create in our own lives.  We are so blessed!

Great Sleepover Quote!

Sadie is having her birthday sleepover tonight. (yes, a little late, but we couldn't do it until this weekend!) I'm highly against sleepovers (because I know what I was doing at sleepovers when I was younger and I was a good girl!:)---yeah, let your imagination run with that one....but not too far---next door or around the block to t.p. is really as far as you can go, but remind me some time to tell you about being caught by the cops and doing the whole "spread 'em" against the side of someone's house! :) ....anyway, back to my ramblings.....where was I? Oh yeah...against sleepovers except for in very special cases and honestly a sleepover with a couple close friends is easier than a birthday party at this point! So, they've had a great time watching Samantha (the American Girl) and playing with their American Girl Dolls (do you see a pattern here?) They've had them at the Prom (listening to HSM3 cd, of course!) who knows where else with their fun pretending (by the way...did ANY of the American Girls go to the prom at their age?) and it's now 12:30 and I over heard Ellie say, "Let's pretend it's night time and we're sleeping!" Ok, so isn't that the greatest quote of all time at a sleepover?  Yeah...let's do pretend that so I can go to bed! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sadie's 11!!!

Sadie had her 11th birthday on Sunday, April 5th----she was actually born on a Sunday so that was fun.  We spent it at Grandma & Grandpa Sessions house in Kansas with our cousins, Trieste, Lili, Ella & Collette. Aunt Celeste was there too and we got to talk to Uncle Danny in Mosul through Skype.  That was quite COOL!!! Sadie was so excited to spend her birthday with cousins because the last time she did that was when she was 2!!!  It was a great day for a great girl. Here are a few of the things I love about Sadie:
She is such a wonderful helper
Great big sister
Has a strong moral compass--wants to do what's right (so glad she's the oldest!)
Loves to sing
She's a great cook and loves to learn in the kitchen!
She chooses great friends
As much as I don't want her to grow up, we're having so much fun with it and she's got such a good head on her shoulders. She literally has an adult soul and follows the spirit in everything she does. She's a treasure! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Briggs' Boots?

Briggs is always putting our shoes on but this is the first time he's worn my boots...they look so BIG on him...I guess they are! :)  He's just a fun, crazy, wild man and we love him!

Ahhhhh to sleep like that!

Wouldn't you just kill to be able to sleep like this again? Those were the days! :) Highchair nap photos are some of my favorites! So sweet!

3rd place DERBY DUDE!

Liam had his first Pinewood Derby and had so much fun making his car with Daddy.  He painted it himself...in the photo of all the cars, his is the one on the far right.  It was a fun day, especially because he took 3rd place! Way to go Liam! (and Chuck!)


Lydia has had her cast off for about 3 weeks now....what? She broke her leg? She had a cast? You would NEVE know it by the way she's racing around here.....whew, she wears us out!  Anyway, her first bath was joyous for her AND for mom and dad...she was finally REALLY clean! Sponge baths just don't cut it. She didn't want to get out of the tub and neither did Briggs...they are both so cute with the greatest smiles! I love the way they smile with their eyes and they have that sweet little twinkle!

Silly girl!

Ok, so it's been over a month since I "blogged"! I'm not very good at this......
Here's a cute picture of Lydia goofing off in all her happiness while getting pj's on. She's just so fun!