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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Briggs & Lydia moments…must share!

After Lydia’s birthday party I couldn’t find the pink hairspray that we used to color Caroline’s hair……um……found it!  Briggs---future artist or vandal? Smile  We went through the whole “if this was someone else’s home, they could have called the cops on you” deal, but how do you do that when he’s so stinkin’ cute?  And when he was just being curious?  He didn’t love painting over it, but I think he learned his lesson….I hope!



This is Lydia making “hot chocolate” with our Christmas mugs…she loves them and is actually just pouring water back and forth but the cute part is…………


……that she is free-styling it!  I couldn’t resist taking a picture…..bwhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa! Smile



Sarah said...

Ok this totally made me laugh out loud:)

Elaine Fernandez said...

Hahaha! Domestic vandalism and freestyling hot chocolate - never a dull moment!