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Sunday, July 8, 2012

4th of July & fun pics of the kiddos

We had a fun 4th of July starting with our RW&B waffles and then a BBQ at the Giers’ home with swimming, games and lots of yummy food. Fireworks that night were great---or so I’m told. I was having a hard Mommy night so I opted to stay home while Chuck took the kids.  I was so glad that he was understanding enough to let me have the time I needed to recharge my batteries.  Thanks, Love….you are amazing, as always!

The rest are just some fun pictures of the kiddos—Briggs with all his ring pops---silly boy!; Briggs and his friend hammering carrots---yup, carrots---to the fence so there was food for the birds. Hee, hee! ; Lydia, Abby & Ashley, our sitter, and then Lydia with her “pet” ladybug!'; Briggs and his buddy riding bikes…football style! Smile

1 comment:

WARNERS said...

looks like a great time! I love your family photo! So fun and so beautiful!