Welcome to our CHAOS! We do LOUD REALLY WELL (except Dad!) & make CRAZY LOOK GOOD!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Silly pictures…

We have some favorite friends, The Geislers, who are our Oklahoma Family---we met in Stillwater when we both moved there the same week for school.  We absolutely LOVE them!  Ryan is from Idaho and LOVES potatoes. In his honor, we ONLY buy Idaho Potatoes!  We were peeling some for dinner this week and found these babies….everyone agreed that the big one was a RYAN POTATO!   Sheesh…that thing is as big as Liam’s head!  And then, big surprise, Lydia had to find the weirdest one and take a silly picture with it.  (Don’t you love her bedhead! Smile)



LYDIA MOMENT---Um yes...that was MY 4 year old in the church parking lot, right after church when EVERYONE was coming outside,  literally LAYING on the horn, with the doors locked so that I couldn't get in and make her stop! Ahhhhh, Lydia! Never a dull moment!


This is the hole the kids have been digging in the backyard!  I wasn’t too excited about it first but then I thought….we have no grass there AND it’s a GREAT way for them to get their energy out. Digging is hard work!  They’ve started another one about 6 feet away and their plan is to connect the two.  Who knew that my kids were Groundhogs!? Smile

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