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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Spencer Family Night




Liam gave a talk on Sunday in Primary about Temples and why they are special to him….it was so precious and all about Spencer and being able to see him again.  It was so great that we had him share it for Family Night. 


Orange is Spencer’s favorite color so we always have the ribbons in orange and the balloons are white because he is our special, little angel watching over us all in Heaven!


These are the things that we are going to work on as a family so that we can do what’s right---Pray,  personal and family prayers; Read the scriptures daily; Smile because God gave us so many things to be happy about and a positive attitude makes life so much better!


Sadie writing her love note to Spencer


Liam’s love note to Spencer


Briggs…deep in thought about Spencer---he always wears his orange shirt on this day too, because it is Spencer’s favorite color!


There they go!!!


Cousins that LOVE SPENCER!


Sadie posted this as her FB profile pic


Russ and Michelle said...

How wonderful! Can't wait to see you all at the reunion! (You're coming, right?!) :]

Paula said...

This was just too wonderful to read & brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful tribute to Spencer. What a great motivational tool for your family, and I just know that you'll reach your goals. HUGS!