Welcome to our CHAOS! We do LOUD REALLY WELL (except Dad!) & make CRAZY LOOK GOOD!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Last week we had our yearly snow storm here in Oklahoma and as usual, it shut the whole state down! We only had about 6-8 inches but other parts of the state had upwards of 12 inches. I know, I know….for my fellow Utahns it seems a little crazy, but I have to admit that we just aren’t prepared for it here. It’s been 5 days and our street still isn’t cleared. Poor snow plow guys…I think there might be 4 of them in the whole city! I feel for them…big job, not enough man power or equipment.

We were the insane “Oklahomans” who were cheering on the storm and hoping it would literally DUMP! We miss the snow so much and LOVE how beautiful it is. The kids have loved having 4 snow days off of school (but they won’t love it when they have to make a few of them up!) and I’ve loved sleeping in…I admit it. I’ve been a bit lazy this week! But what can you do when EVERYTHING in Oklahoma has come to a stand still? Watch movies with your kids? Make cookies? Sleep in? Read a good book? Get your office organized? DONE! I’ve spent the last few years of Snow Days being frustrated with my kids at the fact that I couldn’t get my work done and this year I decided I was going to be more flexible and enjoy the moment. Liam asked me the other day what “Carpe Diem” meant and when I told him “Sieze the Day” he thought that was cool. And I thought…… “Way to go, Maria! You had a Carpe Diem week with your kids!!!” (hopefully they feel the same way!)

I’m ready to get back to our regular schedule now but am so glad we had a fun week together. When is it going to snow again? Soon I hope! Here are some pictures of the kids and their SNOWMAGGEDON Adventures.


Kayla, Snowman :), Sadie & Lydia

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